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[pdf] Barbara Kozier Fundamen S Enfermeria Utorrent Rar Book Free


Copiar el PDF a tu PC Aprende a manejar al paciente despierto, revisando y compartiendo información clínica con los caretos siguientes. #1 Read the Patient's History and Assess Vital Signs #2 Get Medical History from Family Members and Friends of the Patient #3 Get Medical History from Siblings or Parents of the Patient #4 Explore Current Health Concerns with the Patient's Care team/doctors/nurses/social workers - what do they have in place for medication administration, emergency contacts, allergies, etc. #5 - Check the Patient's Medications (if any)  - Make Important Records Regarding Medications, Dosage, and Scheduling  - Create Important Notes Regarding Medications, Dosage, and Scheduling #6 - Ensure that the Patient is Stable (not vomiting or having seizures), then Plan for Written Orders. Plan for Written Orders for every medication to be given during the next hour of care.  Make a plan of action if a medication needs to be reevaluated or a different medication needed instead. Plan for Written Orders concerning new prescriptions that need to be written by doctors or nurses.  Make a plan of action if a medication needs to be reevaluated or a different medication needed instead.  Plan for Written Orders concerning new prescriptions that need to be written by doctors or nurses.  Make a plan of action if a medication needs to be reevaluated or a different medication needed instead. Make sure the patient is stable and does not need any emergency interventions as you do not want to start this process over again after someone has been hurt. #8 - Plan for the Next Order of Medications to be Given during the Next 1 to 2 Hours. Plan for the orders of medications to be given during the next hour of care.  Make a plan of action if a medication needs to be reevaluated or a different medication needed instead.  Plan for Written Orders concerning new prescriptions that need to be written by doctors or nurses.  Make sure the patient is stable and does not need any emergency interventions as you do not want to start this process over again after someone has been hurt. #9 - Evaluate Patients' Vitals During Every Hour of Care (first thing in, first thing out). Every hour of care, you need to evaluate the patient's vitals.  Make sure the patient is stable and does not need any emergency interventions as you do not want to start this process over again after someone has been hurt. #10 - Assess Patient's Pain Scale and Plan for Pain Medication During Every Hour of Care (every hour of care, you need to assess a patient's pain scale and plan for pain medication accordingly. #11 - Gain Access to the Patient's Medical Records/Chart/Medical Information through Handoff from Day Shift Every Hour of Care. This can be done by asking day shift nurse questions about any changes in medications, medical history, etc. cfa1e77820

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